Gallery 🐣If you aren’t going away Easter and are look 🇺🇦 What an appalling way President Zelenskyy We do still have some spots available for our East 🌼 Does your child enjoy exploring a gallery? Wh Today our seniors took their own interpretations o Our Easter Dates are still available and open for Our lesson today took inspiration from the classic Our Easter dates are now available and open for bo Our Easter dates are now available and open for bo For Children’s Mental Health week, we took our i Only 10 places left to our inaugural and exclusive Our art class yesterday worked on sketching and ca Today our senior class took to their brushes, resp 🐿️ Yesterday‘s lesson was a little bit of a 🐿️ Yesterday‘s lesson was a little bit of a 🐣An Easter Road Trip to the historical and beau 🍯 Yesterday we celebrated National Winnie the P 🥶The frozen fountain in the garden at the Riple 🥶We are back and ready for 2025, whatever the w 🥳Took me all day to try and send this, then my 🥳A very Happy New Year from everyone at Art on 🎅🏼We have had a cracking time time week with 🎅🏼 Places still available tomorrow - Saturda 🎅🏼 Places still available tomorrow - Saturda 🎅🏼We have been very busy this week with our 🎅🏼We are extremely proud of the Christmas ar 🎅🏼School holidays are almost upon us. Don’ 🎅🏼All classes yesterday had a seasonal theme 🎅🏼With barely 2 weeks left of school term, y Load More… Follow Us on Instagram